Thursday, April 30, 2009

Food #4 Food Journal

Tuesday Night:
-Broccoli and Cheddar Noodles
- Grilled Chicken
-Peas and Carrots
-Diet Soda
-Root Beer Float
My family ate dinner together again and we ate for about 30 min. because my sister and I were in a rush to get to rehearsal. My mom cooked the meal and my dad helped by cooking the veggies. We are not allowed to watch T.V. or text at the table and of course whenever we try to text at the table we get in trouble. We all were made to wash our hands before dinner and we used forks. We all talked about our day and what happened. We talked about funny things that happened or memories we have. Before I ate, I was really really hungry and all I could think about was I cant wait to eat. Then while we were eating, I was thinking that I was really glad to be eating my favorite noodles, but I wished that I had more time to stay home and eat, but I had to leave. After eating dinner, I was still hungry but I didn't have time to eat anymore and by the time I got home, I wasn't that hungry anymore. Then when I came home, I had a root beer float and I had been craving it all day so when I finally had it I was really glad and I couldn't wait to taste it. After, I felt just tired because I had been filled from my eating.

-Corn Pops
-Bacon Cheese Burger
-Chicken Wings
-Yellow rice and Sausages
I got a bowl of Corn Pops this morning and I was so hungry. I put it in a bowl all by myself and used a spoon to eat it. All I was thinking before I ate was that I wish I could stay home and eat Corn Pops all day and sleep. After I ate my corn pops I was still hungry and I was still tired so I forced myself to get out of bed and get ready for school. When I got to school, during class all I could think of was what I was going to eat for lunch because I was still really hungry. Finally I had a bacon cheese burger and a pepsi and while I was eating it I was thinking about how happy I was to be eating it. I watched the guys in the corner store make it so I know it was ok. I ate lunch with my best friend Arianna and we talked about our memories and stories about my boyfriend and her girlfriend. After I ate, I was full and I wanted to go home. After my soccer game I was starving again and I rushed home to eat chicken wings, plantains and yellow rice with plantains. My mom cooked and we used forks. Before I ate it, I thought the same thing as the night before: I wish I could have enough time to stay home and eat more. During the meal, we had the same topics of conversation like soccer and other things that went on through out the day. While I was eating I was thinking about how I wished I could be eating the noodles I ate the day before. I also didn't really like the chicken wings, but I ate them anyway because I was really really hungry. After I ate, I was still hungry, but I had to rush to rehearsal. After rehearsal, I ate some watermelon and I was really happy because they're my favorite fruit. I was really happy that it was juicy and I felt full and sloshy afterwards.

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