Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Feelings on Birth

When I think about birth and being a mother and all, it kind of doesn’t have an effect on me because I would never want to give birth at a young age and I don’t think I will be for a while. But if I had to think about being a mother, I have mixed emotions. To me, it’s an exciting thought to be a mother and to be proud of the fact that you had a part in bringing a human being into the world, but at the same time, its kind of scary. I can’t even imagine the pain and effort that goes into birthing a child. It worries me a little bit because I kind of wonder if I have the strength it will take to go through with something like birthing a child. When I think about it, I’m excited for finding out that I’m pregnant and getting ready for the baby and finding out the babies gender but the birthing aspect of it really in a way scares me. But then again, when it really comes to it, I think maybe when I’m actually in the situation, I will gain courage from the fact that I cant let fear cripple me and make e afraid to do anything the doctors tell me. It’s actually really intriguing to me to think that something like birth is possible. When I look at my mom and realize that I came from her it’s kind of crazy to me…

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