Sunday, September 21, 2008

Assignment 2

Sam C.'s Video-

AAAAWWW Sam I love your video and I love that you put videos and pics from spain. I like ur
volleyball video too.

Binta B.'s Video-

BINTA!!! I love how you added pictures of your family in Africa that was really cool and I like how your video started off with the video with the black and white effects

Esther D.'s Video-

I love how you put video of the Jonas Brothers lol and I love when you were singing your video is soo cute!!!

Chelsea G.'s Video-

I like how you put the words in your video and how you used all those different songs to represent differnt people and things.

Karl L.'s Video-

Karlito i love the song you chose and I love all the pictures of you and your family.


I noticed that in all the videos family was important although in 2 out of the 5 videos family was not mentioned, you saw pictures of family. People say that family is really important in their lives and it makes me wonder if they put family in their video because they really do hold family as a really high value or if they just put family there to show that they hold family in high value when in actuallity, they hold freinds first or something else first. I also noticed that in the 5 videos, friends were a big aspect and some videos may have (while not meaning to ) portrayed that friends were more important than family or any other aspect. People also picked songs that reflected how they were feeling in the video and to represent different people in their video.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mi Vida

In this video I have included some of the most important aspects of my life such as my sisters and my friends. Music, family and friends are a really important part of my life because my friends and sisters are always around me and my music is what keeps me going through the day.
My sisters make me smile all the time and I have to take care of them. Taking care of them helps me to be responsible. Without my sisters I wouldnt really have a music career because putting our 3 voices together gives me the confidence that we will make it somewhere with our music one day. My friends make me smile and keep me focused on my goals and are just always around (even when I dont want them there LOL). My boyfriend keeps me focused and I talk to him all the time and he boosts my spirits when I need to be comforted.
I really like everything in my life. I dont think Ive ever been happier with the way my life is going. The only bad part about my life I would say would be that my sisters and I fight a lot which sometimes gets in the way of our music "career" and that my boyfriend is so far away. But as much as I dont like that my sisters and I fight and for as much as I wish that my boyfriend was closer, it is all natural to be fighting with your syblings and for older boyfriends to have to go away to college. But I love singing and working on new material with my sisters or even by myself and I love that my friends and I can just goof around and not care about anyone else.
I love all of these things but I also would have liked to include my parents because I can talk to them about anything and everything that ever bothers me and they are really understanding and know how to make me feel better. I would also have liked to include my grandma who I have been extremely close to since I was born. My theatre that I attend on the island where I live is another big part of my life because in the spring I am in the theatre woring hard everyday as well as the soccer feild which I love to be on and totally kick ass (lol).

View this montage created at One True Media

My Life

I think I have a very rushed way of life. I go from singing to school to friends to talking to my boyfriend so fast that my life is pretty much a blurr. The general pattern is just that I go to school, do whatever afterschool classes I have, go home, do homework, fight with my sisters and talk on the phone with my boyfriend. My life is structured and organized, but extremly rushed. Although im rushed I feel as if my life is turned toward a successful point. Just everything I need to do is (in its own weird way) falling into place and making priorities known.
Fighting with my sisters, while it may be bad, gives us a chance to break apart when working together for too long so that we can all collect our thoughts and take a breather so that we can come back. After coming back we end up singing and working together even better. At the same time fighting and singing with my sisters helps to take my mind off of the hurt that I feel that my boyfriend is gone. So in their own ways, these things all fit together really well and balance each other out.
I feel like my way of life can be considered the typical "American Way of Life" because I dont think there is just one way to live the "American Way of Life." Some of the typical american children are expected to work hard to be successful and I work really hard on all aspects of my life that could possibly help me in the future. And at the same time, I can be a typcial american kid in the sense that I make fun of people in class and I dance and make random outbursts when Im not supposed to. Different things I do are different aspects of different american ways of like not one thing specifically.
I really wonder sometimes how my relationship with my boyfriend will effect my relationship with my sisters and my family. In some ways I see that my relationship brings my family closer together because when I am with my boyfriend, my family is always goofing on each other and everyone seems like they really have a great time, but at the same time I spend less time with my family. I also wonder if my parents and sisters and friends will help and/or disrupt my school work and what I need to be successful in the future.